Charter Presidents Message
The recently announced formation of a “Canadian Dog Judges Association (CDJA)” has been exceptionally well received by conformation Judges across the country. Many have indicated they feel it is past time that Judges have their own association and a voice in the decisions made by the CKC and other organizations that affect conformation judges. This voice is not intended to be one of criticism however, but rather one that assists and counsels on matters where conformation judges have an interest and a proprietary perspective. The intention then of the CDJA is to form an arms length alliance with the CKC and other dog clubs with the broad objective of improving the practice of, and the image of, the judging of purebred dogs in Canada.
The CDJA will recruit members, publish an official newsletter to disseminate information, conduct information seminars, support and provide overall guidance to judges study groups across the country, and devise and deliver educational programs intended to improve the quality of conformation judging in Canada. In addition, an information service to show giving dog clubs, on matters pertaining to judges, will be developed as a service to anyone interested in learning more about the professional practice of judging dogs.
Members from other countries will be welcome to join the association. Their knowledge and experience will serve to broaden the knowledge base of the organization and improve its ability to deliver informative and educational programs.
I encourage conformation judges everywhere to join us in this nonprofit venture to establish a professional Canadian Dog Judges Association.
Sincerely, Fred Heal
Charter President
Canadian Dog Judges Association
Vision Statement
Every organization that intends to be in business and provide a service to its members needs a “Vision Statement” to guide it along its intended path. This broad statement is only changed by circumstances and reality as the organization moves towards its goals. The following is the initial vision statement for the Canadian Dog Judges Association.
The Association delivers education programs to enhance the knowledge of conformation dog judges; liaises with the CKC to provide input on CKC decisions, policies and programs that affect conformation dog judging; and disseminates information to members so they can remain informed and united in their common goal of promoting critical breed characteristics and improving the quality of conformation dog judges.
Past Presidents

Fred Heal †

Virginia Lyne

Thora Brown

Margaret S. Jones

Robert S. Rowbotham †

Barbara Heal